Navigating Infodemics and Building Trust during Public Health Emergencies: A NASEM Workshop

The workshop built on what is known about risk and crisis communication to generate actionable, targeted insights that state, local, territorial, and tribal agencies and officials can take to prevent and respond to the negative health effects of an infodemic. Specifically, participants and discussants:

  • Developed of a shared understanding of the modern health information ecosystem and examine the impact of infodemics during a public health emergency (PHE)

  • Examined the public health skills, capacities, and policies that are needed to manage infodemics during a PHE and throughout the disaster management cycle. 

  • Identified the roles, responsibilities, and partnerships among relevant organizations and agencies in managing infodemics during a PHE.

  • Examined interventions to mitigate the harmful effects of infodemics (e.g., mis-, dis-, and malinformation) and identify research gaps.


AIMINGS RFA Pilot Project Round 2 Webinar (recording)


AIMINGS RFA Pilot Project Round 1 Webinar (recording)